Radiator install
The install is as easy as any other radiator in my opinion!
Step 1: Drain the fluid with either the drain plug on the passenger side of the radiator and a hose so that you don't a super mess, or just pull off the water pump hose on the driver side and make a mess :tard:. Keep the fill cap off the fill tank so you can drain the system.
Step 2: Take off the top two bolts from the radiator brackets with a 12mm and set them aside and also disconnect the all the over flow and circulation lines from the top of the radiator. Take off the top radiator hose from the engine block and unhook the power-steering line from the clip on the passenger side of the radiator.
Step 3: Disconnect the fans and Pull OUT!!:rofl:
Step 4: Remove the 2 plastic bolts at the top of each fan and install them on your new Koyo radiator with the new 1.25 pitch bolts.
Step 5: Just drop it in and hook it back up

. Double check that you have hooked up both fans and check your clamps on your hoses. Your new radiator holds roughly double the amount of fluid. I used a combination of water wetter, water and 50/50 pre-diluted Prestone. Runs ice cold!
Now you can go do yours too. JJ if you need step by step pics, that can be arranged :tard:
Honestly though, the quality of the radiator is top notch and you can tell immediately from the moment you unpackaged it. Its performance is seen at every pull and I do mean EVERY pull. My needle drops below the second marker by the time I get off the gas. I also don't have the radiator condenser blocking any air flow, so that is my little advantage. I have removed my radiator shroud since the Latheworks one does not fit aftermarket radiators and it still kicks ass. Our cars do greatly benefit from the radiator shroud based on design and air flow...call it the halfway point between an aftermarket radiator and stock.