GD Toomes DD PTE6262 07 Hawkeye. What a long, long adventure this has been.

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Legit, the order page was broken in Chrome and Firefox...I might actually have to use Safari again!! omgggg


System Operator
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Ahh, so nice! Good job home boy! Your are officially a "SPONSOR" of the team, lol! POKE! Now if I can have you order 2 of everything and send me one then we will be good to go, LMAO!


Drinks beer!
Allow me to whore up your thread with some useful information...

You probably want to keep both the supply and return lines the same size. There is no advantage to one being bigger than the other and I would also say that -8an lines might be a bit overkill but it wouldn't hurt anything if you did. -6an lines flow plenty good. I know on mine I tried -8an lines first and it just looked horrible. They weren't as easy to manipulate as the -6an either.

As far as the filters go, if it is stock there is only the in-tank filter. If you are talking about those black diaphragm looking things on the supply and return line, those are pressure dampeners and should probably stay there. They are meant to absorb sudden spikes in line pressure. Anyway if you were to put in an inline filter, there is no advantage to putting in two and a fuel filter on the return line probably wouldn't be necessary. I believe it would be nothing more than a restriction as you suggested.

Now back to your regularly scheduled journal

So I have been tossing these thoughts around in my head for like two - three weeks pretty heavily. I need to add in the Fuelab FPR that I have sitting in my backseat, my stock one will no longer provide enough pressure for what the car is going to be tuned for. That is going to require a bunch of new lines etc, no big deal - but what is getting on my nerves is the Perrin lines are setup, I am OCD in a minor to moderate way. I am a fan of function and aesthetic playing an equal factor.... Here goes the brain dump...

This is a rough idea of how I would like to setup my fuel system -
I would like to use a y-type distribution block on the top of my manifold and some pretty high grade nylon wrapped hosing to protect it. I know the Perrin kit uses 3/8 ID hosing which is –6AN, do you think I should be using –8AN for deilvery and –6 for return or keep the lines consistent throughout the setup. I have come up with the basic design for that is crude at best, but then again, I only know how to set up the fuel system two different ways.

I would use a barb to AN fitting for the feed line. First question, do you think that I can replace the inline filters with new filters (both delivery and return) and that would be beneficial or would that that create to much restriction? Barb to AN to straight AN to the distribution block (-6AN or potentially –8AN). From the distribution block, 2x 45 degree fittings that meet a 90 degree fitting at each of the fuel rails.

Each fuel rail would have a 90 degree or 45 degree fitting (depending on exact mounting point of the FPR) and each would run to either side of the FPR that would be mounted against the firewall between the pitch stop mount and the strut tower on the drivers side. I could always mount it against the strut tower where the old air pump used to be installed. The bottom return would just be another 90 barb fitting.

I am sure this is a little overkill, but you know me, I am just as much presentation as function. One thing I know I don’t have in this setup is a gauge, do you think its a good practice to have a liquid filled gauge on the FPR for accuracy/monitoring purposes?
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System Operator
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See Steve told ya Holy would know! Thanks Holy!


New member
George is my favorite knowledgeable whore. Now that I know what those black diaphragms are, its makes a whole lot more sense. I take it if they were removed...that would be why people run surge tanks? They become to insignificant to hand the sloshing of the car at high speeds and crazy turns during auto x?


System Operator
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Holy is a STi God!!!!! I love him :)


Drinks beer!
Thank you but I'm not special. I'm wrong allot of the time. LOL


New member
Then I think this will be the final layout:




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New member
Dominated with snow...

There is an STI under there some where...Juliana's car is the last one and may be the worst of the both of them!

Sad face.


System Operator
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Jordan, I think Toomes should be out shoveling snow then on IGOTASTi. :rofl:


New member
I couldn't muster up the energy after an 11 hour day yesterday...if all goes as planned, I will be doing a short block swap this weekend for someone - that should be exciting.

Jordan I will go over everything this morning and wee if there is anything else I can order from you, haha.


New member
Screw snow...

I hate new england...


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New member
FYI if anyone wants my hood...let me know. I no longer want it. I want an Impreza hood and am looking aggressively to get my hands on one.


System Operator
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How long did it take you to move all that snow?
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