tuner says MAF maxed out?

i maxed my maf out on my bpt 20gxtr bb w/ 10cm hotside.. but i tried to buy an aps 65 or 70.. but they dont sell to the US anymore.. im thinkin about the perrin big maf? or the perrin "blow thru boost tube"

fujiwara told me--"Or just go speed density. All you need is an IAT sensor after the intercooler and a competent tuner. Most times it's an issue of the injectors being maxed out and an incompetent tuner behind the laptop using the MAF as an excuse when in actuality, the car is out of fuel."

my tuner does a great job with gettin power and torque, at the same time as not trying to blow stuff up nor, pushing the limitations on the car/motor etc.. he said it was reading at 300 g/s, and it wasnt the fuel, bc i have bigger injectors(750-850cc* cant rem, lol) and 255lph pump.. but im reading into this 4bar map sensor now. its hellalot cheaper than buying the turbo inlet and short big maf intake.. i was maxing it out around 18psi, but im shooting for 22-27psi on my tune though

then i read the speed density vs. maf thread and got alot of info there too,

so i might get the 4 bar map sensor and get my shop/tuner to wire in an IAT and let me able to run higher psi's..

any help or info is much appreciated or some standard input, im open to all ears.:D


Track Monkey
Hey brooks.

Can you edit your first post and break it up. I think you copied/pasted from a few places so it jumps around a bit!

1) Can you first list ALL your power-related mods.
EDIT: i see you have a " hybrid 2.0/2.5 build". Things like that are quite important in this discussion!

2) Then list the issue you're having, and what your tuner has told you.

3) What you're thinking as a solution

Sorry, im just having trouble figuring your post out!
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my tuner just uses ecuflash, im saving up for an AEM ecu.

(final compression is i wanna say 8.2:1 ? or something very close to that) 2.0 heads with built 2011 sti short block bc of bigger oil pump and etc, with BC 272 cams, manly or CP pistons, rods, crank, BC valve spring and retainers etc, 750cc or 850cc *i cant rem* 255lph fuel pump, uel headers, prodrive catless dp & catless up & catless mid, 6puck, light flywheel, turbosmart bov and ebc, aem wideband, bpt 20gxtr dual bb with 10cm hotside, was running 15 psi made 347wtq & 340whp, but took back to tuner last month to get more boost and transmission blast plates installed from MOORE performace. and thats when i found out last week i maxed out the maf 300 g/s

broke 2nd gear the first time,, then bought re man trans and broke 3rd gear the second time,, finally i bought a jdm sti ra-r 5 spd gear set that was REM treated and mirco polished.

i might be missing some parts, had the car since 07,, lol.
yes correct, typo 9.2:1*** and my tuner did tell me that 27psi would not be the best way to achieve with pump gas.. but at the moment the only place that sells E85 is all the way across town, so its not very feasible to run and get incase i was running low.. he did say around 22-24psi might be better/safer*
he doesnt tune with cobb AP, never really asked why. but i did have a buddy with AP and it kept dropping his tune, and i seen him have alot of trouble with it.

im saving up for an stand alone ecu, so i can run differnt maps,, maybe pump gas and then race gas(110-116oct), and also for 2 step, or anti lag setup... although i dont drag race or auto-x, i just like the way it sounds and acts.. but i do plan on taking my v.7sti bugeye rallying once i finish this hybrid build, so all info i welcome, bc what i cant use on my hybrid buiild i could use the info towards that, so i dont make the same mistake.
yes he said he can get a GM IAT and wire it in after the intercooler?
i dont think he'll have a prblm doing scale mapping.. i think he tunes in his spare time, but is very good with computers and programming if i remember him correctly.


New member
I also believe injector scaling may give you more room on the MAF. E85 as mentioned is also an option but will need to change fuel set-up to support this. Far as AEM stand alone what are your exact goals because in your situation I agree with Fuji and think an AP would be beneficial to you and be less expensive. There had to be a glich with your buddies but these are used in many wrx and sti applications running various set-ups to succefully and safely make great power numbers. Can also store other tunes to switch for other options as you want.
Ok, so perhaps you should give the guy a little benefit of the doubt. There are some options available to him. I'll talk to someone I know about the group N rom. Makes everything else for 16 bit ECUs look cheesy. The post intercooler IAT is super easy, and the 4bar is a plug and play.

hey fuji, did you find out any info on that group N rom? my tuner needs more info with ppl who have done the SD with subaru's


Commander In Chief
As a matter of curiosity, what bugs? It definitely is alpha experimental work, but Jason is pretty good about fixing issues as they come up. As you say - awesome rom - so good that some shmo in the uk started passing it off as his own 'super rom' only to get spectacularly blown out the water...