Turbo swap issue


New member
I realize the pills function. So if I am missing this pill I will not be making boost, correct?

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New member
Or it could be one of many reasons but this pill definitely needs to be replaced? Or do some turbos discard this all together?

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Drinks beer!
If you are using the stock EBCS/configuration then yes... a missing pill will reduce your boost but you should still be above 10 PSI regardless.

Does the boost never go above 11 PSI or does it start higher and then taper down to 11 psi?

One option is to purchase a 3 port EBCS but that will require some tuning to get it to work right.

As raven suggests it could also be that the ECU is forcing you to a lower boost but I would agree first that a missing pill is your first concern. Either way a log will confirm it. You can just monitor Wast Gate Duty from your AccessPort or RomRaider and if it is anything above 0% during boost then you need a pill. If it is 0% during boost then you have problems.

I realize the pills function. So if I am missing this pill I will not be making boost, correct?

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Or it could be one of many reasons but this pill definitely needs to be replaced? Or do some turbos discard this all together?

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New member
Thank you sir! Yes waste gate was 0% and no I was never above 11 psi so far, but is steady at lower psi, I will jimmy up a pill here and see if this helps .040 welding electrode tip and I will enlarge this slightly debur and install and hopefully post my findings

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Drinks beer!
If the waste gate was 0% that means the ECU was pulling boost. This means that something is really wrong. I don't mean to be an alarmist but this is usually a major thing and should not go unchecked.

I need to see a log immediately.
If the waste gate was 0% that means the ECU was pulling boost. This means that something is really wrong. I don't mean to be an alarmist but this is usually a major thing and should not go unchecked.

I need to see a log immediately.

What did you want in the log?

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New member
So I put in my fabricated restrictor pill and make 12.5 pounds of boost before 5000 rpm so it's working better, I updated my access port finally and will do some logging today. Thx again for everything eh lol

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New member
Oh ya and popping code 0246 I think boost control solenoid high. Here are some pics of logs recently still low boosting

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Drinks beer!


New member
Ok thx I will post up when I get time again, I truly believe it's the actuator but will log. Thx again I am left with the impression a new motor will be forthcoming lol but we can stretch this one out longer should be fun lol

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New member
Well same result with old actuator, not hitting high boost, but still spools well and holds well at lower boost, oil consumption down somewhat, however the old motor is seeing her day I fear. With that I hope to save up and rebuild eventually thx for all the help and info you all are great enthusiasts

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New member
Thx ya I seen that but that would mean it's just new stock then the heads would likely be expensive to re do so I figure 5-6 g all in and it be good again but once I get that figured I will post the journey thx

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Depending on what to do with the heads it can be anywhere from $100 to 2k. If your just trying to get back to stock have them re-surfaced and the valves checked.

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