GR Tyler's 2010 AW STI SE: Stage 2 and counting!


Drinks beer!
Definitely throw a gal of 100 in. It can only help. :tup:

Just keep an eye out and the next time you fill up take some more logs.

Good luck!

See holy this is why I like you lol. Yes I'm running a stage 2 ACN 91 map, I have no access to 93 but I do have access to 100 at the pump for only 8.75 a gallon lol. Maybe I should throw a gal in? I'm down to half tank almost.

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New member
You guys are weird lol :lol:

Holy btw what is toluene or whatever and where can I get it?

Advantages over race gas?

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Drinks beer!
Toluene is a solvent used as a paint stripper. I know how that sounds but it is a byproduct when making gas. It is a pure hydro carbon and is known in the race community to significantly boost octane. It is also emissions safe. For ten gallons of gasoline, if you add 3 gallons of toluene, you can achieve 98-100 octane. There is no need to adjust the tune either because adding it will not alter the energy output of the gas that is already there.

You would be using it to correct your gas so one gallon would suffice. It would probably be more beneficial for you to just pop a gallon of 100 octane in for correction.

Toluene is quite expensive. You can get it at any paint supply store. I get mine from Sherwin Williams for $12.00 bucks a gallon


New member
Hmm that's interesting!

I went to the gas station but the guy wouldn't let me pump 100 into my car he said I needed to put it into a container. If That's the case I might as well Just get some VP and put it in there at least it would smell real cool!

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New member
Well hello hello my friends! I'm finally out of training and can have a life again! I was curious if anyone on here lives in the Cheyenne, WY area, I will be getting stationed there at the end of the year and I am curious as to what my socal subie needs to have done to acclimate to the cold temps up there and if they get enough snow that I'd need snow tires or just a good set of high perf. all seasons.. as always your insight is greatly appreciated. Oh yeah my car has racked up a total of 12 miles in the last 5 months lol!


New member
It would be pretty similar I guess, I'm about a hour north of Denver.. I guess I'll just head up there and buy winter rubber if needed.


New member
Took the car out to play in the snow and see how the Conti DWS does in 3-6" of snow, quite surprised how well they handle it. Also picked up a yellow top Optima battery since it was having trouble starting on the cold mornings.


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