Ultimate Zombie Response STi

Alright, So I know I'm not the only person who has thought of this. But with all the recent events (these kids and their bath salts) this could actually be the most important thread you will ever read for your survival. What would it take to turn our scoobs into the ultimate zombie survival machine. The first thing that comes into my head would be converting to ethanol. After a while all of the gas stations will be empty. It is imperative that we grow and distill our own fuel. What else would you do?
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System Operator
Staff member
How about making my STi run on bath salts! :lol:


New member
im thinking more along this height

It would need to be a wagon... cattle killer bars subtle solutions lift spacers... baja suspension... run flat a/t tires... roof basket... turret... rear facing seat... bars around the windows... lexan glass... skidplates... winchs (front/rear/basket) lots of aux lights...

so something like this with all the extra goodies i listed and a bit taller ride

I would do one of each, just no wagon. Height of the Baja GR on mine, CROWS system with MK19 for mine, Claire's FXT would get the last pic, minus kiddo seats in the back and a CROWS with a .50cal, no better way to mow down the zombie horde......


New member
No offense but a Subaru is the last vehicle I would use in a zombie apocalypse. Grabbing an 1151 from the armory.


New member
Im thinking more the M2 since the MK19 has the potential of killing us since we will be shooting some up close...We need a subie convoy, with commodity trucks and gun trucks.

Mk19 40mm round has to travel 30 to 40 meters before it arms. Anything under that it's just a straight kinetic weapon.


New member
Blunt force trauma to the head still kills zombies! Thank the Vietnam era grunts for the arming fuze on the 40mm grenades.....the blooper made a mess of things sometimes. And who needs HEDP rounds? TPT rounds work just as well.....seen what a TPT from a 203 does back in 04 in Iraq. Flail chest? Massive trauma? Check and check....


New member
If I was stuck with a Subaru for survival it would definitely be the offroad forrester bubba posted. No turret, no armor except exterior cages to protect the windows. It's about survival a fast firing machine gun doesn't mean shit to creatures that require a head shot, turret doesn't work if I'm the only one on board and need to drive. Save weight so I can load up on food and ammo. But it would have to be the jdm turbodiesel because in apocalyptic times people will try to flee and suck up all the petrol, leaving diesel. Hence the 1151, mobile bunker.


Track Monkey
But you'd have to name your horse "STI" or else you wouldnt qualify for "Ultimate Zombie Response STi".

But im with you guys. If it had to be a car, no turret, minimal armor. Just cages on the windows. But yeah, horse is better.


New member
Screw a Subaru for any type of Zombie Apocalypse. I would drive my STI to the nearest back woods hicks house, kill him and take his lifted Dodge ram 2500 Cummins turbo diesel... Then drive my happy ass to the nearest Army base and hijack my self a M2A3 (or A2 w/ODS) Once I got me a Bradley I would be set for anything. Regular turbo diesel so it runs on pretty much anything combustible. has great gas millage, armored to hell and back and I would be able to save the use of the guns for my fellow survivors who piss me off or have anything I want.... Giant Mega Zombie hoard? No problem says the armored 32 ton tracked death machine.... Brads also have crazy ass range so that would not be a problem either. I could just spend a few hours driving around crushing the zombie hoard then once they are all dead go and find me an some diesel, or if no real fuel was avalibul I would just stop by a groccery store or fast food place and use the vegitable oil....

Honestly Subaru's suck for the eventual zombie out break. Poor fuel economy and not structurally tough enough to survive driving through a hoard at max speed. Armored military vehicles all the way, except for the Abrams.... Can we say shit tier fuel economy...


New member
Finally someone agrees with my school thought. But I'd personally stick with the 1151, parts for a brad would be a bitch and could you imagine replacing a track by yourself under zombie attack?!


New member
Finally someone agrees with my school thought. But I'd personally stick with the 1151, parts for a brad would be a bitch and could you imagine replacing a track by yourself under zombie attack?!

Problem with the Humvee is you are not armored, heavy, or powerful enough to drive through a mega hoard... Also if you get a flat tire? Have to drive through a building? Over the traffic jams that have formed up as people tired to flee the cities and then got over ran by the hoard and eaten.... Also parts for the brads are easy to find, in so far as engine and transmission. They use a beefed up Cummins Turbo diesel that you would find on heavy equipment so you could probably scrounge in any construction yard. Now the throwing of track would be a problem, and is something you couldn't do while under zombie attack. Bright side is, I drove, gunned and BC'ed a brad for over 5 years and not once did I ever throw track. One one person in my entire platoon did and that was due to the commander telling the driver it was ok to pivot steer around when it in fact wasn't and he tore up a piece of the road and flipped it into the tracks. Track popped off and we spent the next 4 hours pulling the track back on.... In Iraq, at night, next to a very unfriendly part of town....

If you get a small group of trusted people together though? 3-4 people per brad and then also get a armored fuel truck or two for the middle vehicles and have one brad on either end of the convoy for security.


New member
Hmmm, valid point... But mobility is still to interstate or hwy travel due to the brads weight, can't see a brad crossing a bridge on a county or municipal road. Plus they ear splitting loud on the inside, might we compromise with a LAV or Stryker?


New member
Hmmm, valid point... But mobility is still to interstate or hwy travel due to the brads weight, can't see a brad crossing a bridge on a county or municipal road. Plus they ear splitting loud on the inside, might we compromise with a LAV or Stryker?

32 tons (34ton combat weight) is less than that of your average loaded out semi. Much less the super heavies you see on the interstate. You average semi is 80,000 pounds so just about 40 tons. Add in the fact that any super small bridge that can't take the weight can always be by passed by just going through the culvert.

A Stryker? The fuck you will ever get me inside one of those, they are open topped in the rear, lightly armored and are of the shit tier for cross country mobility and reliability. I would say if you think the brad is too heavy or not mobile enough then a simple M113 Gavin would be the best for you then. They are fast, easy to maneuver, still armored relatively well, and being tracked have the benefit for being able to run over the entire zombie hoard. Wheeled vehicles are just not the way to go with zombie hoards. The ability to not have to fire and to use the vehicle as a weapon is invaluable as ammo will be short so and so will fuel so you need a diesel engine, due to the ability of them to run on pretty much anything.

Honestly though a zombie apocalypse would never happen to the U.S. to many armed and angry people. China? India? Yeah, can we say giant zombie hoards? But in america? The land with more fire arms than people? No. We also have the worlds best trained and best equipped military so they would mow through any hoard in seconds... I can see it now....

"O no our next door neighbors the Sulivans have turned into zombies!" says Mrs. White, "Fucking hated that ass hole anyways, he never returned my cordless drill I let me borrow!" say Mr. White as he lock and loads a 30 round magazine into his AR-15..... See the whole "O no I can't shoot him as I used to know him thing" doesn't really work here in America. More people would die from the panic of zombies even existing and from old grudges being settled them from actual zombie out breaks... Hell I can think of more than a few people I would go and get rid of under the pretense of "zombie infestation"....


New member
I totally agree that an infestation would not be "dawn of the dead"(remake) widespread here in the states. I do believe initially we would take big hits due to the initial shock and denial but would regroup, but it would be a steep learning curve for people inefficient with weapons and common sense.

But on vehicles we will have to agree to disagree. I'm sticking with an MRAP or 1151/1152.


New member
I totally agree that an infestation would not be "dawn of the dead"(remake) widespread here in the states. I do believe initially we would take big hits due to the initial shock and denial but would regroup, but it would be a steep learning curve for people inefficient with weapons and common sense.

But on vehicles we will have to agree to disagree. I'm sticking with an MRAP or 1151/1152.

Meh I just don't trust wheeled vehicles when it comes to zombies. The MRAP I would avoid though, you just try driving fast some where in that thing. First time you go to make a turn and flip that bitch you will be like "Wheres the Humvee...." Humvee wouldn't be too bad, only problem I do see is the top hatch and the rear hatch, depending on what type of zombies are talking about they could very well be the week point. As the top hatch on the Humvee turret is nothing more than some sheet metal on a folding hatch to keep the rain out when it is parked, same thing with the back hatch. If you wanna stick with wheeled, you could always go with the MP vehicle, that mini looking LAV thing. No idea on what it's called but those MP queers drivem.


New member
1171? I would grab the 4 seat 1152 truck bed one. The bitch is I'm 6'1 and can't see out the side windows of up armored humvee, and if wore my old SRT plate carrier fully loaded it's a tight fit. That's the only thing I hate about the "enhanced" chassis humvees.

Mark I'm like you when it comes to equipment, but my fears are the opposite of yours. I want something more flexible, easy to service, and somewhat stealthy.