The inside of your fender flares are flat and when you try to lower the car and stuff a wider wheel and tire on it it will cause the tire and or wheel to rub against the inner fender wall. This may damage both the tire and or wheel and possibly the inner fender itself.
If you use a fender roller you can smash the inner fender wall flat against the inner fender itself causing the fender wall to be rolled. This gives the fender a nice smooth feel to it freeing up the extra space that the wheel will take up. If the tire happens to rub against it all that will happen is a slight rub, not shredding your tire or bending your fenders.
But please be cautioned that fender rolling is basically an art and requires the right resistance and some heat, please don't let a friend try to talk you into rolling them with a baseball bat. And if you do not use a heat gun you run the risk of cracking your paint along the fender where it was rolled. There are body shops out there that will do this for you, or you may just ask around and see if anyone has a professional roller that could do it for you.
Sorry for the long response I just want you to have it done right and not ruin your car!!
Good luck and I hope this helps!!