
Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member


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Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
And so it begins...

...THESE ****ING PEOPLE AGAIN! :banghead:


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Diehard Car Enthusiast!


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
I feel the urge to remove my mud flaps so I can rooster-tail all these assholes doing 20mph, when I pass them at 50.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Subaru dealerships.... :angry:

There is a 100% chance of walking in to one of them and being speechless at the imbecility by the parts department. I went earlier today to the two by me to order the double threaded studs for the hot side of my turbo. The first one didn't have it, but knew what I was talking about. The second one, however, asked me the following questions:

1) What year STi?
2) Is your STi automatic or manual?
3) Does your STi have navigation or is it a standard?

I lost it at the second question and was speechless by the third. I chuckled at the sheer stupidity and questioned my own sanity...

Moral of the story: Fuck the dealership...!

My local hardware store had them in stock. They are M10-1.25 double threaded studs. FYI for the future, folks. :tup:

Please tell me that it's only my area and that these dealerships are not all this idiotic...


System Operator
Staff member
What your STi isn't an auto? ?


The Music Man
I'd say that's probably 1/4 of them. The one by me is awful (Stivers). Rude salesman that ignore most people. They don't let you drive any car unless you actually start the deal. There was a couple of poor STi's that sat there for about a year.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
I'd say that's probably 1/4 of them. The one by me is awful (Stivers). Rude salesman that ignore most people. They don't let you drive any car unless you actually start the deal. There was a couple of poor STi's that sat there for about a year.

What a disappointment. :tdown:


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
(Yesterday) I verified the hours of operation, took 2 hours of vacation from work and drove 45 minutes one-way to a local shooting range, to sight in the new scope I mounted on my Mini-14. I arrived at 3:05pm and was told "I closed the range at 3'o'clock because it's pretty cold out, so we haven't had many people today."

WHAT. THE. ****.

This IS MICHIGAN, right?! News Flash - It gets cold here! Suck it up!

The range guys aren't even standing in the cold for 5 hours at a time, like I have many times on watch in KOREA IN THE WINTER!!! Seriously, they have range observation sheds with space heaters, radios, etc.

The company manager went on and on about how bad the weather is going to be THIS WEEKEND. Well, woopty-****ing-do, while you closed the range today because of cold weather I will likely be out hunting THIS WEEKEND when it's WORSE. Sissies.
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New member
I HATE when I'm on my way to work---- following a unknown person, following a tractor trailer.... I understand its winter , and the truck driver must drive slowly when the roads are "bad".... we hit a large hill with a 3rd lane going uphill for passing, i got to pass person 1 and truck (person 1 wasn't on the ball) ... person one then cuts me off at the last second, now of course im tailgating..... and person one gets "annoyed" they swing into the slow lane again , but slow down a bit... i attempt to pass them .... they floor it... i literally say "Fuck you" and pass them anyhow then the arrogant derralick high beams me for the next 1/4 mile until i turn off..... i was considering getting out and smashing his/ her headlights out.... but i don't need that much drama in my life---- end rant


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Ive actually gotten out of the car a few times at stop lights and stop signs cause the motherfucker pissed me the fuck off. Of course no one has balls once it escalates that high and leave you alone like they theyre the biggest pussy on the planet.

Thats when youre driven to your witts end though. :lol:

I can relate. :tup:


Meat Product Toy
People are crazy. Many seem to fuck with people just because.
There are two sides to road rage. the obvious ones being aggressive and trying to bully their way around. (The guy tailgating or cutting you off and slamming in the brakes)
The others are the passive aggressive ones trying to control you and you're actions. (Going slow in the hammer lane or riding next to you so you can't pass)
The big boy thing to do is excuse yourself from acting like a child, no matter how infuriating it is. Playing crash-up derby or getting out to whoop ass is a sure fire way to kill yourselves or others.
Around here the hillbillies carry guns, legally or not so, because they're afraid of being men. All it takes is an aggressive move, getting out of your car and moving towards them in a hostile manner, then they shoot and claim the stand your ground.
What I'm trying to say is be the bigger man and excuse yourself from the drama. Fight if you have to and there is no way out but don't go asking for it.
I've seen too many tragedies in my locale that have ended badly due to people's incessant need to "teach the other a lesson".
Someone loves you and expects you to be home for dinner.

-perceptions of a recovering asshole, brawler and just general type A fuck.


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
These dense mother f***ers!

When will people learn to communicate properly. I setup a test, ran it to 2006 specifications as requested, and finished. As soon as I finish, they request testing to 2012 specifications as well. I could have run both specs at the same time if they would only communicate their intent to begin with!!! So now I have to setup this bullshit AGAIN and run it all over again. Great job fucksticks. You just cost us another two days...


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
Between Social Security, Medicare, State and Federal Taxes. I forked over 21.8% of my yearly earnings.

This doesn't take into consideration sales tax, gasoline taxes, property taxes added to the mortgage, and utility/service taxes added to cable, internet, cell phone and other bills.

This wouldn't be too terrible IF we were living in a prosperous America, with Grade A roads and infrastructure, a booming economy with rising wages and a foreign policy that does more than watch the world burn while sipping the fire fighting water.

It's time to force Washington to spend our money more wisely, or not at all. Consider this before heading to the polls.

F***ing crooks.


System Operator
Staff member
Oh please don't get us started, lol.