
New member
Persoanlly I hate pretty much every single human being on the planet. Just to varying degrees.... The list of people that I actually like is shorter than a 21 year olds grocery shopping list....


New member
Condoms, beer, lube, chips....

Mark, you should be happy to know you're on my dont kill quite yet list

lol it's ok, you're on my hate list but not hated enough to warrant killing list, so in essence if you were on fire I MIGHT cross the street to piss on you and put it out..... ;)


New member
Parents that buy their kids a Subaru WRX or STi and let them rice them out and do stupid shut that gives the restof us a bad name!


New member
thats kinda like me... but I BOUGHT IT.... I PAY FOR IT... and I DO


New member
The Toyota Prius.

I love Prius drivers. They give me something to drop down a gear in front of and floor it so they can smell my uncatted exhaust fumes... Before I swapped out to the the new turbo I was running so rich at WOT that a black and brown cloud with little chunks of carbon would go flying out of my exhaust. I used to literally sit in front of any type of electric car or hybrid and just floor it on and off so they had to sit in a cloud of my fumes....

Yes I am the type of guy who if I had a diesel I would be "rolling Coal" if you don't know what they means you tube it.....


New member
smart cars..... 2 door little shit boxes that look so friggin retarded it hurts... the only ones that ill let bypass this is smart cars with hyabusa engines dropped into them.... and i also hate the giant surge of 3 wheeled motorcycles... weather they are trikes or the can am spyder thing... trikes are just a gay way of saying " id like to ride a bike... but i fail at life"... and the can am, " i just dropped $20k on a snowmobile on wheels guys!" FAIL!


New member
CAFE standards and the government forcing the car industry to cram these piece of shit econocars down our throats.


New member
Agreed we need to change our fuel over to natural gas. If just the nations fleet of big rig trucks changed from diesel to natural gas then you would see gas prices fall to bellow a dollar a gallon. Natural gas is super plentiful, cheep and located in western non-muslim countries, so we would no longer be funding our enemies like we are now.


New member
The problem is even natural gas would only be a temporary measure, a stop gag if you will, and we will never see if happen in our life times. The power of the oil and petroleum industries and countries is far to strong for them to allow the worlds largest user of crude oil to move to a different energy.

Also just as a side note natural gas is much cleaner for the environment than burning gasoline or diesel, and is of a much higher octane ratting (110ron if I remember right) along with having more BTU's.


New member
Main source of methane comes from pockets in the ground, inexhaustible supply and we can run them in the current cars with minor modifications, oh and fuel prices would drop to 1960's fuel prices.