What does your IGOTASTi screen name mean?


The Music Man
I go to Western Carolina University, and I love it. All of my forum and internet usernames have to do with that. Hence where WesternSti came from. Someplaces I'm just Western, I'm westernprelude on several Honda Prelude forums, Westernlude some places, and WesternSti on 2 Igota forums and the 4touge Forum.
Mine stands for Ridgecrest subies. I started a fb page for the locals here in rc. There's a few of us, but we are strong. Lol. Everything from fighter pilots to pc's and at's!
So my wife is 3 months pregnant and was downstairs watching TV. I was upstairs playing GT6 or so she thought. I did a race and put it on replay, I opened the door so she could hear it downstairs. I went down stairs and hid in the kitchen next to the light switch. It took her about 5 minutes but she finally got tired of hearing cars race around so she got off the couch and made her way toward me. When she flipped on the switch for the light she sees me with my hoodie over my head looking down and just standing there. She screams and swings to hit me but misses and hits the wall. She yells god damn it Rick I just pissed my pants. I look down and sure shit she did.


System Operator
Staff member
Wish that was on video, lol.
My names Greg, I was born in 85 and started using this screen name elsewhere when I was 21, and I just continue using it, since it's easier than trying to remember a new version every year.


New member
Mine's pretty self explanatory. Been doing car audio since 1998 and am currently deciding what I want to do in mine. OEM locations would be easy, but how much fun would that be? My main concern is keeping as much trunk space as possible.


New member

Plasma Blue kinda reminds me of a blueish purple. Especially under some lights! Ta-da the birth of a screen name. :)


New member
Spool stands for a turbo spooling up and the ya part means I got ya lol spoolya, it's been my screen name for just about everything.
The 05 is the year of my car


New member
My first Impreza was blue so I got nicknamed blu-scoob which was my original username, however over the years the -scoob bit got dropped by myself and other forum members so it evolved into BLU! Unsurprisingly my current Impreza is blue too!!


STill Plays With Toys!
war_panda04 "war"= first 3 letters of my first name. "panda"= always been my nickname since like 2nd grade because the first part of my last name sounds like panda. "04"= my old jersey number when i played soccer/ that number comes up alot in my life. also "war_panda"= a really aggressive panda aka ME!!


System Operator
Staff member
Very cool screen name.

Ours is way to hard to figure out. :rofl:


System Operator
Staff member
We have a very bad disease. :)