Discussion on IWSTI has hed me to believe that ride height is too low...measured 13" in the front and 13.25" in the back. Looks good low but honestly I wouldn't mind raising it since I tend to scrape on EVERYTHING, and I think raising it would help with performance at autocross, even though I DO have Whiteline's RCA/bump steer kit.
I chalked the
tires in prep for the autocross that
should have been today...shame they canceled this event, especially since I probably won't make the next August event due to military commitments...I'm out an entire month of trying to figure out how to dial in the car.
That said, I don't think there will be room for too many more mods this year. I'm planning for bigger fuel (not super comfortable with my injector duty cycles being so high), and
need a new clutch, new brake pads, and probably new rotors as there is a decent lip on them. As much as I'd love a Q-rack, unless I find one for a healthy discount, I think that exceeds Sami's tolerance of my Subie spending for the year...we'd be looking at fall 2012 for that and bigger wheels.
I do think I can fit 245 StarSpecs on these 17x8 Enkeis next season though, so I'm going to give that the old college try.
My plan for the next event I make is to have a notebook handy that I can track all my numbers for that run and the time, and hopefully look at some changes. We really need a members only test & tune day before the actual events. Ugh.