STill Plays With Toys!
i cant wait to get them mounted. weather still says a bit of snow for tomorrow so once all this bs is over with ill get them put on.
i cant wait to get them mounted. weather still says a bit of snow for tomorrow so once all this bs is over with ill get them put on.
Yea we are calling for rain all week which is what im hoping for to clean the salt off the roads. Im hoping within 2 weeks the car will be out and start to get my stuff on
@Alin will clue you all in about my tales of the Florida Car Scene down there. Since I'm currently in Kentucky with family right now and cell service is pretty sparse im a little out of reach so to say
i wish it was easier to just pack up and move.. so many things to worry about now
family, work, pets, friends.. then finding a house and new job is a decent area. ughhh
Well... Let me tell you this... When the time comes to move away... You will NOT miss the salt. :lol:
Well... Let me tell you this... When the time comes to move away... You will NOT miss the salt. :lol: