Ok folks another little update;
Well the wheels should be here Thursday so if that comes in heres the plan, mount tires to wheels and get them balanced. The fenders are either getting painted tonight or tomorrow. So once wheels are all balanced then we will mount and make some minor adjustments and also adjust the suspension to have a nice stance.
Then Saturday me along with a buddy will be setting up the meth tank as well as the sub and amp.
So here is the meth tank
Very nice quality I must say. Got this at Prometh.com
Couple shots of the back view of the tank. You can see where it has the hookup for the meth pump.
So thats where ill be installing the pump and running the plumbing for that.
Next is just the Kicker wiring kit and JL Audio Sub
Didnt fully unwrap the sub cause I just got home from a flight and had work today haha
Then the kicker wiring kit
Cant wait to get all this installed and get some good pictures of the trunk and exterior of the car. Not much more planned for this year. Prob pickup another compressor and maybe a shift and e-brake boot lol