The world's #1 resource for everything Subaru Tecnica International, with a core focus on supporting every individual in a positive environment, regardless of experience and technical ability.
I saw you on last night but I got all the way to lvl 26 on zombies with 8** kills!! Thunder gun upgraded ftmfw!! I was "knee deep in zombie shit with no ammo" lol
hahaha I know lambos on a subie is gay. I just wanted to make the car pop a little when I made it. True, more gas money but hey, gotta love how Xbox gets the "First Strike" pack first. They always say, If your not first your last.
There's a 7hr difference between me and central time. I'll be on ~5:30pm my time = 10:30am central. I'll be playing z o m b ieeeeessss som bitch. I love the things they say while playing it lol
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