Call Of Duty, Black OPS!


New member
Does anyone know how to change the NAT type? I got a new router and it changed it to strict for some reason. It takes forever to get into a match. :(

Its Twicky

New member
Nats are easy to change,, since your on the computer, type that into google. It works wonders. But in the options menue on COD you should be able to go to open

Its Twicky

New member
I will Add later, my nephew is comming over, Its going to be time to kill in TDM, our team will win when He will only get one kill. But i do miss sniping in COD

Its Twicky

New member
sorry man, 360 only, was thinking about gettting a ps3 just to try the new killzone or what ever, but im broed of COD right now got to prestige 11 then got bored. I wana boost to 15 i think i earned it.


I've gotten about ten friend invites on PS3, I usually won't add ya unless you tell me who you are. I'll add anyone on here, just say you're from!

I'll add you, if you suck at zombies and can't adapt to advice, I'll just delete you lol I mic really helps with zombies.


Freak you just PS3 or you swing both ways.
I have an xbox 360, xbox kinect, wii, ps3, original nintendo (just got it for $25 lol) Online playing though, just ps3.
I added you Tim. We need to team up, I'm not sure if our schedules will match up though given the time difference.

I think I saw you on one weekend but you were in tdm all day lol My internet where my hosuing area is sucks. I lag SO bad on a big tdm party so I don't even bother, zombies is fine. MW2 is usually pretty decent (still not the greatest) but it's always been better than Black Ops.


I'm about to shoot an m4... A real one ;) well EST (engagement skills trainer) it's an air compressed m4 so it recoils but we shoot at a video screen. More or less a bad ass video game while we wear full armor and kevlar :)


Get on zombies!! I'm on now, Kin der Toten

armyssoldierboy - PS3


New member
I hated the campaign. Medal of honor was much better. But I love the online play. As for zombies I don't play it too often but my roommate consistently makes it to round 30+


New member
I was playing red dead redemption the other day. That game is pretty fun! I had a $400 bounty on my head in the beginning of the game and kept having posse's coming after me while i was trying to do missions. I wouldn't mind trying the zombie part, is that DLC from xbox live?