GD George's cars (Retired)


Drinks beer!
no 10% MOAR! not 10%. :D

I'm glad we have a deal. I'll be having my secretary send you the paperwork.

.... I wish I had a secretary. :(

BUT I have $5000 dollars worth of suspension work on top of the purchase price. :tard:

I will make a compromise... I'll will it to you. I can't be around forever so after I croke, it's yours

You do... she's under your desk. ;)

Unless he's a hermaphrodite I doubt it :D


New member
Why no turbo kit yet? Once I get my tax return in I'm going gt30 sized turbo for the Celica :shock:! What will you do then, my Celica will be able to beat your tired old Datsun in every single category ;) (also after turbo goes on giant wing).


Drinks beer!
You have a long way to go suspension wise buddy :lol:

Turbo is the last thing to go in. I want to sort out the tune on a stock engine first. then add things gradually and tune for each additional mod individually. Plus I figured since I have the money now I would buy the EMS now.


New member
Pfffft! Suspension. Brakes. Those are for sissies! Real men shove as much horse power as possible into a rusted out 80s shit box and then call it good!

I figured I would go with a Mega Squirt setup for tuning the fuel and boost. I don't plan on this engine lasting a whole lot of time honestly... Every one I talked too on the said about the same thing, 12psi is the max before you start to bend rods on the stock motor... I figure if it will hold out to 12psi on a larger turbo (ebay brand of course) then I might dump the money into a Mark II or III supra rear end for it out of a junk yard so I can get the LSD and wider rear tires.


Drinks beer!
It's for sissies until your headed toward a wall at 50 and the only choices you have are to turn or brake :tup: :lol:

12 PSI? That's sissy! :lol: I plan on running 17psi on the stock block... then when it blows I'll drop in a built KA. I give it 6 months.

The mega squirt is cool... It's like the open source for older cars... It was my original plan but I am so lazy and I don't want to put in the time and thought anymore... That's why I went with the expensive yet simple PnP design of the AEM. It's just easier and the support is very strong.

It's cobb versus opensource all over again!


New member
Yeah, I had looked into getting a stand alone system for the Celica, and LC Engineering actually sells a piggy back system made specifically for the Mark II Celica made by Simple Digital Systems, The only problem is that it costs $900, where as you can assemble a mega squirt for $300-$400 it just takes a bit of time and work. Also the Mega squirt you use a lap top where as the SDS is a small controller type thing with no PC support, so tuning it is just that little bit harder. I am trying to do the whole build on the Celica for under $1600 total. I am going to be fabbing up the Down pipe and charge piping my self, and everything is coming from either Amazon or Ebay. I just need to pick the right turbo. I want to go with something that has late spool up so I can keep my daily fuel economy but still have a nice top end.


Drinks beer!
That's kinda why I went with the AEM. I can tune it like we tune subaru ecu's and I can get really nice fuel economy. Full control of boost is nice.


Drinks beer!
So I figured I would update my thread with some STi related stuff. Here is my next project. This build represents an alternative to using sleeves, which IMO is overkill for about 90% of the applications out there or are misused for the applications they are being used in. Here I instructed my machinist to pin the block in opposing spots adjacent to the existing supports. Essentially one pin at each head bolt location. Each cylinder is now supported at eight locations instead of four. This makes it suitable for boost levels exceeding 27lbs/boost but with out the possibility of experiencing issues from the sleeving process or even daily use of a sleeved block. Of course this will not be suitable for extreme boost and very large turbo apps but it will support the clients goals of a high horse power daily driver and still maintain a quite noise level.

Just so you know the entire machining cost of the block including Oil galley porting, pinning, bore and hone, surfacing, boiling, center line hone and crank polish and balancing was $650 out the door. You can't beat that anywhere no how!

I started the build process and I am taking my time. We went with ACL bearing with extra oil clearance, Manley pistons, Manley H Beam + rods and the stock crank. So far it has taken me 6 hrs to check and recheck all of the clearances because I am not leaving this one to chance. I will continue to take photos of my progress.

Also a big thanks to Zach @ TTLM for the great advice and support and because of you this build is well under way and on schedule! :tup:


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New member
Definitly not a bad price for the machine work at all!! Also glad I could help, let me know if there is anything else I can do.


Drinks beer!
I am tuning for no more than 500whp at this time... Was that with the H or the H+... I suggested he get the H+ which he did.


Drinks beer!

The H+ are rated for some decent power but I doubt we will exceed it's rating. The only other thing that can cause failure like that on a rod is significant knock... I have seen some pretty heavy rods snap form massive knock. Bob at ACE Crankshaft keeps a museum of old parts that were destroyed and he has a collection of rod failures from knock. Next time I'm there I will snap some pics.


Drinks beer!
It's about the same a gasoline... just a couple degrees higher but not as much as you would think. Regardless it's not about how much timing you can throw at it with out knocking but it is about MBT and for e85 it is about the same as it is for gasoline in the upper load and rpm ranges but for some wierd reason it is much higher in the lower end of the map. I was never able to explain that.

Ever since I have been using Virtual Dyno I have been testing MBT on different fuels. I am also discovering that MTB is not just a component of fuel but also boost and engine set up.