New member here. hello from New York


Drinks beer!
Wow that is a crappy commute. I really dislike driving because it seems everyone is out to get me. It's like the movie "Mad Max" in my area because of all the ignorant soccer moms letting their cars drive themselves for them. If I had to commute that far I would go insane! :tard:

I never leave my house! :lol:


STill Plays With Toys!
Im like the opposite i drive everywhere... me and my friends had a cruise with like 15 wrx and sti down to philly just to get cheesesteaks and go back home


Drinks beer!
Yeah I'm not quite that ambitious! :lol: I'm pretty amazed that I'm going to boxer fest this year.

Prepare to see the unicorn.


Drinks beer!
Maryland April 25th

We have a thread around here somewhere.