5356 - I guess how this happened has a lot to do with the salary I negotiated when I took this job. They started me out at "Technician 1" but I negotiated a salary in the mid to upper Technician 2 range. After two raises in the past 2-1/2 years, I hit a salary ceiling (130% of the salary for Technician 1). At that point, they could no longer give me a raise at Tech 1, only bonuses. So this spring, someone at HR said "his salary is in the low Technician 3 range, but his title is Technician 1." So they "reclassified" me as Technician 3. :lol:
At least that removes the Tech 1 salary ceiling and allows me to get raises again, until I hit the Tech 3 ceiling, of course. The last two raises I've got, have been in 9/2013 and 9/2014. So I'm hoping to see something in 9/2015.