5120 - So last night when I got home from work, I found ANOTHER bill in the mail. Another $1,092. I finally got a hold of all these places AND my insurance company this morning. Even though they had me recite all my information to them while rolling around in agony, they still didn't submit one damn thing to my insurance. Hopefully, it's all straightened out now, because I had them forward everything to my insurance. I was also told that I should be receiving yet ANOTHER bill from the radiologist in the mail soon. Smh. Not sure yet, but it looks like I'll still be on the hook for at least $1,300.
If I would have known at the time, that it was just a kidney stone and I was not in fact dying, I would have got a $39.99 room at Motel 6, a gallon of water and passed out for a few hours. Going without the pain killers would have sucked, but would have been a lot cheaper.