OT: Count To A Million Game!


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
7761 - Congrats indeed! :tup:


STill Plays With Toys!
7762 thanks guys. Lucky for me the house is only 5 years old and the inspection report came back perfect. The guy was like this is a good as its gunna get lmao. We are super happy with it

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Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
7762 thanks guys. Lucky for me the house is only 5 years old and the inspection report came back perfect. The guy was like this is a good as its gunna get lmao. We are super happy with it.

That's wonderful, because there is more than enough work involved already without having a dozen update and repair projects to do. Hell, with a busy life, it can take well over a month just to get unpacked. There's still a ton of unpacked boxes surrounding the Batmobile right now. :lol:


STill Plays With Toys!
That's wonderful, because there is more than enough work involved already without having a dozen update and repair projects to do. Hell, with a busy life, it can take well over a month just to get unpacked. There's still a ton of unpacked boxes surrounding the Batmobile right now. :lol:


i have cable and internet coming saturday.
ordered a bed set and sectional on sunday but those wont be in until next month. i have a bed and another couch for now thank god lol.
7767. Well boys the subbie is down took it to a shop to have the clutch installed and they didn?t hook shit back up right and she popped. Hopefully have her fixed and back to normal. But right now in the process of buying a house in Louisville ohio. But on the positive side will have plenty of room in my garage. Waiting on appraiser to get back with us. But everything is looking good

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STill Plays With Toys!
7767. Well boys the subbie is down took it to a shop to have the clutch installed and they didn?t hook shit back up right and she popped. Hopefully have her fixed and back to normal. But right now in the process of buying a house in Louisville ohio. But on the positive side will have plenty of room in my garage. Waiting on appraiser to get back with us. But everything is looking good

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7768 good luck brother!

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STill Plays With Toys!
7769. Thanks buddy we are hoping to close the 20th appraiser went Tuesday so hopefully we get it sooner. I?ll have to get some pictures

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You better take pics. I bet you cant wait for it to be over. I couldnt. Its all worth it tho

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This room has been dark for far too long. Let?s hear how y?all?s thanksgiving went and, any plans for class other than new car parts. Lol

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Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
7773 - I was violently vomiting from both ends through Thanksgiving and the entire weekend. Lost 11 lbs. AND didn't get to do a bit of hunting either. FML. I guess that's what happens when you have a kid in daycare. They should rename that place "Montessori Child Care & Bioweapons Development Center."

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Diehard Car Enthusiast!
7774 Nothing really new on my end. [MENTION=5193]War_Panda04[/MENTION] isn't keeping this thread alive. :rambo:


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
7776 :rambo: :lol:
7779 been super busy moving into the new house car is done till new motor. Long story but a local shop screwed me

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Diehard Car Enthusiast!
7779 been super busy moving into the new house car is done till new motor. Long story but a local shop screwed me

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7781 , When you have time to sit down, tell us!
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