STill Plays With Toys!
7901 as well as anyone can right now. Of course i missed you guys. I try to check in from time to time. Happy easter guys
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
7905 - Sounds good to me. I think you should still have my cell phone number. I'm taking a couple hours off work today to go play some golf. Shoot me a text later on and I'll try to call you after the kids are in bed ~8:00pm.7904 - @Batmobile_Engage I need to give you a call to brainstorm my future car plans.
7906 - today ended up being crazy! probably same deal tomorrow. I’ll text you.7905 - Sounds good to me. I think you should still have my cell phone number. I'm taking a couple hours off work today to go play some golf. Shoot me a text later on and I'll try to call you after the kids are in bed ~8:00pm.If that doesn't work out, we'll try again tomorrow.
7907 - Are any of you guys having problems with Tapatalk? Or maybe @IGOTASTi knows whats up.
It won't load any content from the forum at all. I wanted to check before I delete and reinstall the app.
7917 just add a few bots lol. On a serious note happy new years everyone. Hope this new year brings good health and success to all of you and your families.7916, will we ever make it to a million? -
God bless and Merry Christmas,
7918 - I wouldn't bet on it. I'd love to see it though.7916, will we ever make it to a million? -
God bless and Merry Christmas,