Plasti dip the wheels


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
More pics of yellow. Which one looks closer to a flourescant highlighter color, the yellow or green irl? Cause i might do white base and the color on top instead of powdercoating. A lot cheaper this way.


New member
Yellow is more highlighter neon but green doesnt show in pictures for sum reason.. Its ten times more neon irl







Diehard Car Enthusiast!
From pics yellow looks better. Which do you think looks better irl?


New member
I also like the yellow. Every person so far has said the same. Ive got a few friends telling me to go all yellow. I just wanted try green as I want to try all the colors. This is just first time. I probably will do the colors in pairs like this so i can get thru them faster and then land on what I like best. It only takes hour to fully peel and prep wheels for paint so its no work at all really. I prefer tinkering on my car vs video games or tv anyway.



Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Oooo cannot wait to see blue red pink and purple if that is the case! :D


New member
For sure!

I decided try to black out my orange corner lenses. Ive seen people use the black as tint because it is transparent vs being opaque like black paint would be. I added clear on top. No idea what to expect. Its almost done now




New member
3 coats black and 3 coats glossifier... Will post up here in hour when its all dry


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
The last picture makes me angry. Looks too good and thats the color i want my rims to be lol


New member
So I did the 11' 535i in black with a light top coat of silver metalizer for a metal flake look that matches the paint job almost perfect. Refer to the close up picture to see. This will be done and ready for pics in a couple hours. I will post up asap. Sun is coming out too so that silver flake should look good


coats 2

Here is the comparison of the bmw's paint job and a garbage can that I made a test plasti dip black/silver flake in an attempt to match



I just had to take a blueberry pancake break about 4am... Im a jackazz; I decided to start this project at 3am haha

Some more paint came...and another prep spray bottle I wasnt aware I ordered. Still have a 9 pack of yellow on the way so I can do 3 jobs in that color. My friends love it so I got lots requests already



Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Wow didnt know you can qualitize plastidip that well. If thats even a word lol.


New member
nope... its aerosol cans so no mixing can be done really. I did use several white primer coats to make it pop tho


New member
This actually looks pretty sick. My OZs are starting to not look so hot. I was going to have them powder coated but this may be a better solution? Ive been reading through your thread and it looks good man! Have you figured out the whole cleaning issue yet? Very interested in this...where can i purchase this stuff??


Meat Product Toy
Cleaning is not really an issue. Soft bristled brush and dish soap scrubs them nicely. Sometimes I presoak with simple green.
The dip is available online at many places but most notably


New member
This actually looks pretty sick. My OZs are starting to not look so hot. I was going to have them powder coated but this may be a better solution? Ive been reading through your thread and it looks good man! Have you figured out the whole cleaning issue yet? Very interested in this...where can i purchase this stuff??

As far as the Aerosol version...It is no where near PC... This stuff is not durable at all and is relatively hard to clean. I would plan on re-doing it every 3 months...with light colors. Maybe dark colors would last longer being you dont have to worry about stains. But hey its cheap, really cheap. And if you want to change your look often then it is perfect. I really want to see what a variety of colors look like on my car before I get a nice PC so I am playing with it for a while. And in meantime doing friends,family cars and they are very pleased. I love this stuff

I can not speak for the real plasti dip by the gallon as applied by spray gun. I assume that stuff is much better being you can control the thickness of spray and get a much better coat. I would bet it holds several times better than aerosol version