Dude I had the same issue.... I think bluedemon is on to something though.... Reason being I was running rich as fuck for the past year.... Might have caused a fowled spark plug and thus this problem... I keep getting the same code as well.... Although at this point I am not really sure what it might be.... The cam shaft position sensor I swapped into mine (on the second time) turned out to be the wrong part number.... as soon as I plugged it in the car threw a code.... All you need to do with the wiring is test the continuity of the connector with a volt meter...
Shit... sorry Jared - I guess it's only appropriate that I finally get to hijack your thread![]()
So a bad plug threw the cam sensor code? I wonder if the 5 minutes spent cranking my car to start it in the morning is fouling the plugs.... Hmm
I fucking hate changing the spark plugs on this car.... It's not hard its just annoying. Damn flat engine.
I haven't gotten down to to that for sure yet, but what blue was saying makes a lot of sense... I am ordering some new NGK's from Jordan and I will find out if it was (I.E. the spark plugs are fouled). This issue alone has had my car down on and off for 6 months now as I have replaced the sensors checked wires and done everything else I can think of. It all started when I replaced my injectors so I am thinking I spilled some fuel on the sensor and it killed it. Then when I swapped the turbo the issue came back so maybe I spilled some coolant and that killed the second one? not so sure at this point as this whole issue is fucking pissing me off... I haven't been able to drive my STI for the past 2 months... Or it could be the spark plugs since I was running down into the 9:1 area under full boost for some random reason and running 13.7:1 instead of 14.7:1 under closed loop due to no rear O2 sensor...
I've read about cam sensor issues being triggered after new injectors are installed but never found the reasons why.
This sucks. :tdown:
O really? I never heard about that.... hmmmm... Could be because every one spills a little bit of fuel on that area? not sure... I do know that it started acting up again as soon as I swapped my turbo though... I did spill coolant in that area so...
Thats a good point about the fuel and coolant.
I wonder if blasting the sensors with some electrical connection cleaner will help... Walmart has it for $8 a can.
If it is like mine then it won't work. I tried that first thing. I am going to go swing by my Subaru dealership talk to one of the tech's face to face and see hat they think. Also prob need a new battery anyways.
Let me know what they say. I'd get laughed out of the dealership if I popped my hood and told them I have a sensor error and need advice. :lol:
Does your car run fine most of the time? I've been driving mine around this week and haven't had it die yet.... Which is kind of worse because its harder to know if anything I do has fixed it.
I can't even bring the car to the dealership as it won't even start right now.... Going to hope over their with the two parts numbers on the sensors and ask them which is the right one. After I swapped the sensor out the first time it ran fine boosted great and all was hunky dory. Then I swapped the turbo and it would randomly stumble, buck, stutter and jerk around while me and holy tried to tune the closed loop. We managed to finish CL in spite of that issue and moved to OP when during the first pull I hit maybe 4k rpms and the car jerked around and bucked so bad it felt like I was running over small children. No CEL thins time mind you just that issue. Well me and holy nailed it down to the sensor since we logged what the sensor was seeing and for most of the driving both were fine. But when the jerking started the right side sensor would throw out crazy ass readings... for instance the left was reading 15% of timing, like it should, while the right said 50% of timing.... which is physically impossible on a stock sti. After getting a few logs of that happening that pretty much narrowed it down to the sensor since most of the time everything worked fine.
I order mine on amazon. If they're interchangeable (they should be) this is what you need:
Don't let the image fool you. I've ordered 2 at separate times and received the exact replacement sensor.
Still haven't had time to get to the car.
Its been running like a champ for the past 2 weeks....
Why don't that surprise me. Welcome I'm JJ.
LOL stop mocking my misfortune!!!
BAD: I can kill him for u fr a small price!!!
BAD: I can kill him for u fr a small price!!!