I'm starting to debate replacing the cam sensor.... I might just check the oil screen. Its very odd that it hasn't had issues since the oil change (well it did RIGHT after but hasn't since).
I just realized that I have a midterm next week so It looks like the car will be put off yet again this weekend.
Yo bad, I just talked to a shop near me about having my EWG welded into my DP and the whole issue with my cam sensor was brought up. Huys there said they have seen more than a few legacy's and wrx's with this issue but no STI's yet. They had the same problem with their cutomers vehicles (swapping cam shaft position sensors to no avail) and some how (they didn't tell me how they found this out) but in both cases it was the AVCS control valve at the front of the head that was causing the problem. As soon as they swapped that out the problem went right away. Sound like you might have the same issue since the problem went away as soon as you changed the oil.... If it pops up again you might wanna look into that.