Thank You, Have been viewing around this site for years, figured it was time to do the honorable thing. Couldn't ask for a better site for the STI enthusiast.
Thank You, Have been viewing around this site for years, figured it was time to do the honorable thing. Couldn't ask for a better site for the STI enthusiast.
Thanks and sorry it took me forever to finally get the premium membership but I'm glad to support the best subaru forum in existence.Big shout out to Emmett AKA: [MENTION=2822]Doppelganger[/MENTION] as he's now a *Lifetime Platinum Member* of IGOTASTi.COM!
[MENTION=5554]Reverend[/MENTION] Warren runs our IG account.@Reverend welcome to the platinum club and you have officially been followed! enjoy the perks friend and dont forget to tag us in new pics of that beautiful hyper blue STi so we can share them!