The Post Whore Thread!


Commander In Chief
Is it just me - I swear that IW's just been hacked, is being hit with a denial of service attack, or has had a major IT failure.


New member
Fun in the backyard.


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The Evo got hit and ran on the way home from work today. The POS pulled over with me and as soon as I got out of my car he/she took off in the opposite direction. Now with the Evo having the turning radius of large scale construction equipment or a semi truck I was not able to 3 point turn and chase them down. I'm lucky for my sake I didn't have my gun on me or I might have done something really, really dumb... Final damage is some left over rubber from their tire on the side of my rear bumper that I rubbed off and some light scratches. I got really lucky, wish I would have got their plate, would have been awfully dumb to get a felony over the minor damage they gave the car.

If anyone knows someone that has a black Infinity SUV that got into an "accident" tonight feel free to let me know lol.
It would have only been bad for me if I fired at their car for that lol. Problem is I'm not so sure if I had my gun that I wouldn't have fired... Scary to think about that and I probably wont be driving with my gun ever. From what I can tell it's just a few surface scratches, all their tire rubbed off and there are no dents so it really isn't that bad. I will be taking the same way home from now on looking for that fucker.

To add to the crazyness I never take that way home, traffic was backed up on the highway so I took a back way. Crazy how stuff works out. Still no clue how damage was so minimal since I got hit going like 45mph and he just swiped right into the side of my car.
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Id claim they tried to kill me so I shot them.

Im nuts and wouldnt say do anything I do.....

Dude I'm nuts too. I have attacked someones car with a golf club in a church parking lot after they were fucking with me on the road. If the IX didn't have a horrible turning radius and I was able to catch them I would be in jail for sure. I have issues... LOL.