60 and up here lol
You mean, you need to post some Alin
Wtf?!?!? I would of died!
You need to move out to Cali![]()
Nah never needed to use them, but I do know where they are just incase lol
Let me ask this. How are the cops in cali? Sheriffs, local, and staties?
I was stationed in San Diego for 2 years. I loved San Diego, but when I transferred, I hung my middle finger out the window as I crossed the Cali-Arizona state line. At least a couple times a month, I'd have a cop coming the opposite direction, make an illegal u-turn and race up behind me so close that I couldn't see his headlights. Often I'd get pulled over so he could snoop around, look under the hood, etc. After I replaced my Cali tags with PA tags, they'd pull the same shit...but then see the out of state plate and back off.
The first time I got pulled over in San Diego was for "loud exhaust"....the car was STOCK.
The way I was treated in California is 99% of the reason that the Batmobile is de-winged.
Ohio emissions are more than i can handle... Cali....
But i do need to move somewhere warmer
I hear your roads are worse than ours. Annnnnddddd ours are pretty fucking terrible.... So i can only imagine yours! (Maybe that was specifically detroit?)
Ohio sucks.... I live by a city called Parma... Shithole but a few days ago it got third SAFEST city in the usa to live in. All my friends from Parma are just as confused as i am. :rofl:
A golf ball sized piece of concrete hit my upper windshield this morning on the way to work at
about 80 mph. Idk how it didn't break it, let alone chip it. Nothing, no mark. It scared the hell
out of me.