In April of '13 I went back to the Ring and did 5 more laps.The day started off with meeting at the gas station on post where I met upwith a vette, Evo X and a 128i at 5:30am. We left at 6 then linked up with a buddy coming from Graf, in Wurzburg, in his M3 around 6:45. From there we had about another 3-4hr's to go so what do you think happened on the autobahn?? Not racing because it's legal to go that fast
M3 vs Stg2 EvoX
Me vs Corvette (everyone rags on me for this video but he got on it and let off as I kept going, so what)
M3 vs LS2 corvette
The guy in the bmw had a video of me and the M3 and I took him by about a bus length from 80-135mph.We drove for about 2.5hrs and linked up with a buddy whom I'd met at Ft. Hood before in his STI with a Precision 6262, 272's and e85
Then we finally made it to the track ~10am.
Everyone parked, downloaded gear, spare tires etc and we all went to pay forour laps. I go for a weak run to shake the jitters off and to get accustomed tothe track and conditions. I miss judged a blind corner, lost it and fishtailed. I almost went into the grass: skip to 1:50 (inside view)
Driving fails, outside view skip to 0:19 for me or enjoy the rest lol
When I was done with the 1st lap, as I was parking I saw smoke coming for the hood hhhhhhh My coolant line was pissing all over the turbo blanket. There was a puff of fire and everyone freaked and started drenching my turbo with water.
The line had melted on the turbo blanket so we got the line off, cut off the melted portion, loosened the banjo, moved it slightly, tightened it and the line
back down. Topped off the fluid after we ate lunch and all was well again whewww
On the last lap I noticed my car got extremely loud. I figured it was my catback exhaust gasket that blew. I got the car on a lift to inspectthe exhaust and one of my ewg's to see if one was stuck open. I checked the lines and all wereconnected still. Turned out the wastegate had an internal screw back itself out so that the valve couldn't shut properly and the car sounded like a Harley. It didn't boost right as it was allowing exhaust flow to bypass the turbo prematurely. I fixed that within a few days.
On my way home I got pulled over. I was certain is was for my exhaust. It just turned out to be a random stop but the politzei saw me get out of the car weird (from driving ALL day) and told him how I went to the track andwe started bs'ing about cars for a second lol He asked how much power.."430 tothe wheels", he was shocked so I asked him how much his had, pointing at theirpatrol car "haha maybe 200ps (engine hp)". LOL I instantly thought to myself, so I couldoutrun the politzei in a quick second as long as I keep hitting turns

I'm sure they would get me top end, it'd just take them a minute to get there. Afterwe got back in the car, my buddy took a picture of the politzei and posted it on facebook, tagging me. He didn't realize what he'd done until afterwards and he couldn't delete it until he got to his computer. Get it?? lol
Here are some photo's from the Ring of my car:
I love the second to last one! My front end looked way too high but that's the lowest it would adjust 14.5"f/13.5"r. I recently adjusted it after taking out the tender spring and got the front to 14" for a nice level look.
I ended up beating an Audi R8 and got it on film. I don't know if he was full throttle or not but I don't care!! lol Unfortunately the video is high def and too big to upload into youtube :/