Haha... It was my 78 bandit edtion transam. I was building a chevy small block for it.
LOL I called it!
God I want something with a V8... It makes me feel so un-American to be a white conservative male who's only owned Japanese cars.
Haha... It was my 78 bandit edtion transam. I was building a chevy small block for it.
I have only recently gone Japanese. I was always one of those die-hard muscle car freaks that could never see anything without an American badge on it. I had no idea what handling was.
That all came crashing to a halt when I had my ass handed to me by one of the first year STi's at the time and I've wanted one ever since.
Now I will never look back.
I just went to craigslist and started looking for trucks less than $2k to see if I could find an old carb fed V8 beater.... Look what I found... I started laughing out loud as soon as I saw it.... because I could see myself driving it.
4 Door Diahatsu Deck Van 4x4 white, lift, tires, winch, power windows and locks, removeable 2 man deer stand in rear. Runs great $7500
Holy crap the thing is awesome. It looks so clean for 7500.
It looks like a toy!
Hmmm. That's odd!
Thanks for fixing it Fuji.
Maybe someone thinks my car is so much like sex they consider it NSFW and closed it! :lol:
Those injectors only work with this fuel pump setup. Right George? ;-)
I'm going to have to get a custom fuel rail bracket made since the intake manifold doesn't line up. Emailed a local fabrication shop, hoping to CNC a nice aluminum adapter bracket for the rails I have. Should be too easy to make if I can use a 2 axis press. I need to spend some time this weekend hacking away at the manifold. I wasn't using a penetrating lube and the stuck on aluminum was making me think I was screwing up my bits. Been taking pictures of my progress, and once I have a final product I'll show the progression of the manifold.
We're both rocking the same APR Canyards!