Hey! Sorry I didnt post up last night, but she's done and i'm lovin every minute of it!
I got a safe/ daily driver tune for 91, and 2 E85 maps- one low boost and one high boost.
91 octane: 261.5 whp, 265 wtq.
E85 18.5psi : 296 whp, 335 wtq.
E85 15psi : 280 whp, 320 wtq.
**Harvey told me that since I was dynoing on my winter tires I had a loss of about 10whp on each dyno run. Something about the power transfer difference between snow and performance tires on the dyno. SO, each of the above mentioned dyno numbers is actually ~10 higher than posted**
If this is true then on 91 im putting down ~271.5whp, and on E85 ~306whp or 290whp.
We decided that since I commute 60 miles a day we wanted to keep my 91 tune pretty conservative at 15psi, and not put my engine in danger. The E85 tunes are the fun ones

Our best pull on E85 put down 301.1 whp (~311.1 corrected) and 350 wtq. Harvey felt that the tune was a little too aggressive and I trust his instincts so he pulled it back a little bit for engine/turbo safety reasons. Man does she haul compared to before!! On our first couple street pulls (empty frontage road) the car would sputter when you shifted close to red line from 1st->2nd and 2nd->3rd....My flat foot rpm was set at 4500 rpm for some reason; neither Harvey or I had even touched it. After we sorted that out things were smooth and perfect! I love how the car pulls now, its a whole new beast!