OT: Count To A Million Game!

7297 who all is running two sets of wheels? Should I get another set of tpms sensors or say screw it and deal with the light on the dash


STill Plays With Toys!
7297 who all is running two sets of wheels? Should I get another set of tpms sensors or say screw it and deal with the light on the dash

7299 that's all a matter of preference. do you check your tire pressures regularly? would the extra $400ish be worth it?
7300 Yeah I didn't no they were that much I checked on em yesterday. I'm use to checking my pressure regularly so it's no big deal


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
7304 - I really need to change the alarm clock ringtone on my phone. It's so pleasant, I'd rather listen to it go off for a while and stay in bed, than shut it off and wake up. :lol: I probably need to go back to the "GENERAL QUARTERS! GENERAL QUARTERS! ALL HANDS MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!"

When I was on sea duty, that would wake me from a coma and I'd have my uniform on before my feet touched the deck.


System Operator
Staff member
7306 ditto friend!

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Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
7307 - Thanks! If I get my new scope mount in the mail, I'll have a REALLY good weekend.

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7308 my gas block for my ar came in. But this weekend I'm finishing my pitbike build after a long 5 months. Of finding parts


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
7309 - Very nice. Have you seen the Firearms Thread? Go to Forums and scroll all the way to the bottom. It's a part of the OT group. You sound like you would like it. There's also a hunting an fishing thread. As a Pennsylvanian (now a Michigander), I can imagine a Mountaineer would enjoy both.

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System Operator
Staff member
7312 pop noise?

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Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
7315 - I've had this happen before. Could never determine the cause. It sounded like it was in/around the firewall. Something flexed or shifted a hair and cause the noise I assume.

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