Commander In Chief
Sure - can do - I've just switched back to CAN now that the trims are dialed in. i think I have a very good idea as to why it's stumbling - the load compensation is leaning out the AFR's seriously - the last set of comps I put in were very close, but still a small stumble at around 2900-3000, so I reduced the numbers around the region - and boy did it a) lean it out badly (18 AFR at 1.1 load !! - knock, knock, who's there), and b) worsen the stumble. So I've reverted to the old comps, and massaged them in the opposite direction. So now I can assume that increasing the numbers richens the AFRs, and vice versa? I'm still a little vague on what how the % change in engine load translates to AFRs through the table.
The car, however, is driving like an absolute bastard on steroids! Weather is getting cooler here as well (don't worry, checking knock - none in OL), and the power is phenomenol... plus I suspect I can get more out, since the top end is definately rich, popping spectacularly on hard WOT gear changes.
On the down side, I friggin took out my front lip on a speed bump today (custom fabricated, fibreglass and CF) - ripped it straight in half
Oh well. I had a love hate relationship with that thing, looked awesome, but too many bumps on our road, made driving a pain, constantly scraping.
The car, however, is driving like an absolute bastard on steroids! Weather is getting cooler here as well (don't worry, checking knock - none in OL), and the power is phenomenol... plus I suspect I can get more out, since the top end is definately rich, popping spectacularly on hard WOT gear changes.
On the down side, I friggin took out my front lip on a speed bump today (custom fabricated, fibreglass and CF) - ripped it straight in half