TD_D mod journey. From stock to the 'bastardmobile'


Drinks beer!
Okay I think I can fix your stumble issue.

I don't think it has anything to do with CL/OL transitions. I looked at all your CL/OL tables and they look fine. I think it is a flow resonance issue with your setup. No big deal because there are tables that compensate for that.

I just need something form you. I first need you to flash the ROM I attached and then I need you to add Boost to the log. Then I would like it if you could take just one log of normal driving around town and on the highway. Try to create a few conditions where the stumble occurs but try to apply smooth consistent throttle inputs. Stay out for at least 1/2 an hour

Once I have that I can create a compensation table that will address your specific setup. I will show you how I do that. It uses another one of Airboy's spreadsheets.
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Commander In Chief
Hey George - thanks for that - I'm going to throw another little complication into the mix :tard:

Went through to the shop this afternoon to install the LC-1, eugh, what a mission it turned out to be (there was no secondary bung on the downpipe, so we had to weld one on just after the downpipe mouth). Whilst I was there, also did a quick service, oil change - and discovered that the catch can had filled up nicely, and had started to spray oil all over the intake filter :( (real mess). The gas smell was from the air vent pipe filter off the catch can from when the tune was way too rich, so that also got cleaned nicely.

Intake filter got replaced - at the back of my mind I thought, oh dear, we're going to be taking in much more air now... watch the trims go nicely positive. And indeed, on checking the AF learnings at home - massively positive now. Sigh. The gunged filter would explain some of the idle problem and inconsistencies. So - just crunching the numbers now off a short log (10-12 min driving, but very sedate), and will have to rescale the MAF accordingly, before doing the above. Here's the log: A compliment to your scaling though - slope is dead flat, so the latencies and injector scalings are obviously now spot on.

Postive news - LC1 is in and reading. Not so positive... readings are off (stock O2 sensor reading 14.7 at idle, or thereabouts, LC-1 reading at 16's. And we did calibrate it. I think I need to get into logwork and reset it, make sure all the setting are correct as well - need to buy a usb to serial connector tomorrow.

Phew. That was a thesis :lol:
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Commander In Chief
Yup. Massively positive trims, looks like the whole scale needs to be adjusted up by 15%.



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Commander In Chief
Quick question - I know I need to sort out the MAf scale again first - but by boost do you mean manifold absolute pressure or target boost / boost error? Asking because of the independent boost controller - not using the ECU boost maps...


Drinks beer!
That is okay. I guess in a way I should have gone through my standard check list before we did anything. I'm partly at fault here.

Yes we have to rescale the MAF again. There is no way around it. We can start by applying the -15% to the entire MAF calibration. I'm not going to even look at the log because your filtering is impeccable and I trust you. :lol:

Start with this

As for your AFR issue make sure the AFR sensor is exposed to the entire exhaust flow stream, meaning if it is near a bend it should be on the outside of that bend. Also the best place for it is right after the turbo but before the cat (if installed). It sounds like you placed it properly. I would also check for leaks prior to the sensor. The smallest leak will effect it. At this point I would trust the stock sensor in this case. 16afr is a bit extreme and the logs wold not suggest that it was running lean. Even with a 15% positive shift in errors would not produce 16afr. The computer compensates well up to +/-25%.

To answer your question about boost you can log Manifold Absolute Pressure if that is one of the choices. :tup: True we are not using the ECU to control boost but it still monitors it. There are many boost related compensation tables that reference the MAP sensor.

You are a trooper for sticking with this for so long. Others would have given up long before.


Commander In Chief
Hey George - well, thank you for the vote of confidence - looks like the 15% trim did the trick, all around the x axis now, maximum mostly 1-3% (with an odd 6% here and there).
I think we definately got the bung welded in the right spot - as to the quality of the welding, yeah... rushed, never a good thing. I think that like you say there may be a tiny leak where the weld is that's throwing the AFRs out - I'll try and get a USB to serial cable tomorrow to make sure it's not the settings, otherwise I may try and see if I can get some heat resistant car sealant, just as a temporary measure to check whether it is a leak (any recommendations to checking for a leak around the weld seam?). If so, will have to send it back in next week to get rewelded.

I'm actually really enjoying the whole tuning process - so hanging in there is teaching me a whole lot about the car and its working - all good!

I didn't get to do a long 30 minute drive - but if it's a start, here's a shorter log with boost now included - I'll try and get a decent drive tomorrow.


Drinks beer!
Okay good. How's the stumble at 3000RPM.

The next time you log it would help if you also added Barometric Pressure if it is available. If not that is okay. Also if you could remove the following from the log. It is only confusing me at this point.

Coolant Temp
A/F Lean Correction
Thro_Op_Angle (Not Throt_Plate_OpAngle)
A/F_Lrn_#1_A,B,C and D
Closed Loop Fuel Target
Final Fuel Base

And don't pre filter the data.

I'm thinking we need to touch up the maf scaling again so we have a couple more days of that. After that if you are still getting the stumble I would like to adjust your Load Compensation tables.


Commander In Chief
Stumble still there, seems less pronounced - but could be perception, I'm a little preoccupied with the ridiculous AFRs showing on the LC1, chuckle...

I'll clean up the logcfg file for you, remove all the extraneous variables - barometric pressure is definately there (I can log relative Manifold relative pressure as well if you want). I should get quite a good long drive today, that should help. Coolant temp will have to stay as it's the referenced trigger variable (temp above 76c switches logging on).


Drinks beer!
Okay. I'll have a looksy later today. I'm putting in a turbo for a friend


Drinks beer!


Commander In Chief
Hmm... odd, the file is there - but I also get the 404 error. Dropbox, not the most stable it seems. Try this one: - Copy.rar

Well, I'm very proud of myself - for the first time since 1995, I did some wrenching, had to happen ;-) A kink in the meth pipe leading to the intercooler after the welding was worrying me, plus wanted to try and put a temporary steel epoxy to plug the leak around the wideband - removed the I/C, fixed and refitted - all in under an hour. That was fun!
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Commander In Chief
Will do, thanks - I have to admit, after my wrenching last night, and the application of the temporary steel epoxy around the weld, the car is driving much better (wideband AFRs are still not very stable, but at least they are close to 14.7 now). Which makes me assume that an exhaust leak that close to the throttle body must be causing some problems with AFRs in general? It's a moot point, she's going in to be rewelded tomorrow - just curious.

But - the LC-1 is alive and working, managed to get the USB/serial cable, and both logworks and Romraider are reading loud and clear. So once the bung is on properly - we can move to open loop.


Drinks beer!
The AFR's will fluctuate from 15.1 to 14.4 at idle in many cases. It is normal to see this. Some cars are less, others are more but if it is close and runnig good I wouldn't worry to much about it

How badly does it fluctuate? And can you give me another log? I want to fix your load compenstation tables.


Commander In Chief
I sometimes forget that this is still a journal, after all the tuning with George! :lol:

Well, I treated myself to a decent, heavy trolley jack - 1.5ton rating (before I start using, I'm wondering whether the 3 ton would be a better idea? Or is 1.5ton good enough for home use?) and some good jack stands. Since I started doing some work on the car myself, I remember how much I used to enjoy doing this, and how quickly your confidence builds. Wrenching ftw!
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Commander In Chief
The AFR's will fluctuate from 15.1 to 14.4 at idle in many cases. It is normal to see this. Some cars are less, others are more but if it is close and runnig good I wouldn't worry to much about it

How badly does it fluctuate? And can you give me another log? I want to fix your load compenstation tables.

Goes down to 14.4, but going up as high as 15.9 - and still too biased to the lean side, so there's obviously still a small leak.

I'm a little stuck i.t.o driving tonight - wife's still at work, and my 4 year old is asleep - if I get a chance later, will definately do a quick 10 minute drive for you.


Commander In Chief
Ok, don't ask how, but I managed to get in a really decent drive, town and highway. Stumble is quite pronounced at between 2800-3000 RPM at very light throttle (if you manage to hold it there, car actually stutters, especially if there's slight load, like a uphill). Other than that, very smooth scaling by the feel of it.