The Post Whore Thread!


New member
After becoming an accountant I realized its not all the boozing, overnight trips to Vegas, private yacht trip, champaign showering job I thought it would be...oh wait, that must've been some other fantasy job. Point being I hate my job!! Its just so boring. The only nice thing is I get to play my ipod while I work. Little do they know I listen/watch movies and its always sunny episodes on it. Im actually a good worker, its just really slow here and I finish my work quiet promptly when they give me stuff.


New member
Ha! I laugh at all you employed losers.... Being an unemployed college student living off his G.I. is awesome. I only wake up before noon if I feel like it....

On a side not my passenger side rear tire on my Celica decided to go flat.... Was tempted to drive it too class today anyways but said screw it ima take the STI....


I figure I have a good 1,000 more miles on the tire, but said screw it and gonna replace the sucker....


New member
I laugh at you! You'll come out of college brainwashed by professors to go occupy wall street, hug Muslims, and not to shower. Lol


New member
I laugh at you! You'll come out of college brainwashed by professors to go occupy wall street, hug Muslims, and not to shower. Lol

Lol what are you talking about I'm all ready like that from the infantry. I want to go love and hug all hajis...... Hug them with some 7.62 that is......


New member
I wish I could reenlist so I could do what you're doing, I want to go back to college so bad. But I've been getting alot of medical testing on my eyes and blood and it's looking like the army is going to be a closed door with results that have been coming back in.


New member
Priced an AWIC setup with basic lines and no temp sensors. Cost $637.70. Damn that's sexy... Especially since it should support 700cfm.

Frozen boost? or another source? If that is the case I may hold off on buying a new car and just dump the 2.5k into my sti....

Also any one on here have any experience with the 1989 Porsche 944? Looking into one today place wants 4k out the door for it, drives fine and engine revs and the is acceleration good. No rust and body and interior are in very good shape.... Only problem is there was some oil on the front passenger control arm... Non on the ground and none dripping anywhere. Only thing I can think it came from was the oil filter which is right over that spot.... Still not to sure. As the old saying goes "If it seems like it is too good to be true, it probably is...."

Any advice?
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New member
So I will be going dom1.5, method and awic this winter. I am going to try and get the car up and ready for the spring scca season. Ima pass on the porsche due to lack of maintaince records.


New member
That'll be a sweet setup!
The car was thirsty for some corn juice!!


  • uploadfromtaptalk1320896362962.jpg
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New member
Dude... bad ass pic right there....

Going to call Jordan in the morning and have him send me a Dom 1.5xtr.... Might have to have him fab me up a waste gate bracket as no one makes one right now and I lack the skills right now to fab up a solid bracket. Hopefully he says yes too the bracket other wise I will be in for a little bit of a pickle as I am currently running a Tial 38mm EWG setup.


New member
If Jordan says no to his shop fabing up the waste gate bracket I might have to take you up on the offer... After encountering so many shit tier shops in the springs I find it hard to trust any shop now a days.


New member
I want to kick my boss in his balls. Last night he sends me a last minute inspection to my list of tasks for today at 0600 an hour away from home. So get up at 0400 leave 0445 arrive at 0545 wait for an hour making calls trying to figure out where our provider is at. 0650 get a call from my boss that they cancelled at 0500 and he was sorry he didn't call back sooner he forgot.


New member
Barbiturate injection to the liver will put it down immediately. Done it a few times by accident when euthanizing dogs for the shelter.

Before anyone gets the wrong idea I was an animal cruelty investigator and had to assist the shelter with euthanizing aggressive dogs and cats that had been seized.
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