The Post Whore Thread!


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
No more bikes. Sold it years ago.

Seriously, shit like that makes you really look at what's important in life.

I honestly feel that if I had a sport bike, I wouldn't be alive right now to have this conversation.


Meat Product Toy
I honestly feel that if I had a sport bike, I wouldn't be alive right now to have this conversation.

Anyone who has ever ridden on two wheels for any length of time and is breathing today, has cheated the reaper at least once.
They sure are fun but people in cars try to kill you everyday your on one.


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
Speaking of cheating death. You guys remember those Honda Big Red 3-wheelers? Those things were death traps. :lol:


New member
80 degrees out, fire pits, dog friendly bar, Sharky searching for fries, punk rock on the juke box, sports on tv, craft beers AND cheap domestic cans...I'm in heaven.


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
There is always some kind of crazy shit going on around here. The roads were clear and dry this morning,
so it was a pretty average commute into work this morning, until I had to dodge a tire rolling across my lane
on the interstate. Just a tire, not mounted on a wheel. After swerving around it, I briefly looked around to
see where it could have come from. No pickup trucks around that could have been hauling it, nothing.


New member
There is always some kind of crazy shit going on around here. The roads were clear and dry this morning,
so it was a pretty average commute into work this morning, until I had to dodge a tire rolling across my lane
on the interstate. Just a tire, not mounted on a wheel. After swerving around it, I briefly looked around to
see where it could have come from. No pickup trucks around that could have been hauling it, nothing.

Lol wtf?!


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
I suppose it could be worse. A couple years ago, there was a nut job firing a rifle into traffic on I-96 on at least
24 different occasions and my boss said (in regards to the tire rolling down the highway) "Hell, that's nothing. Crazies
used to drop cinder blocks off the overpasses into traffic. Killed a couple people back in the day."

That sure would ruin your day.
I suppose it could be worse. A couple years ago, there was a nut job firing a rifle into traffic on I-96 on at least
24 different occasions and my boss said (in regards to the tire rolling down the highway) "Hell, that's nothing. Crazies
used to drop cinder blocks off the overpasses into traffic. Killed a couple people back in the day."

That sure would ruin your day.

I remember this, when I was younger. People would use frozen turkeys as well. Not a very good idea.


Squirrel Meat Aficionado.
Staff member
I remember this, when I was younger. People would use frozen turkeys as well. Not a very good idea.

^ That's super f-ed up. I did some funny stuff back in the day, but nothing like that. My grandmother had a large vegetable garden out back of the house and subsequently, dozens of woodchucks would move in and assault it on a daily basis. I got 19 woodchucks during the summer between high school graduation and leaving for boot camp. Anyway, one day a friend and I thought it'd be funny to tie fishing line around the neck of a dead woodchuck, hide in the bushes on the opposite side of the road and drag the animal across when a car would start coming, looking like the animal was running across. :lol:
This is way out in the boonies, mind you, so even though it was not the smartest or safest prank, I wasn't going to cause a 16 car pile up or anything. A couple cars slammed on their brakes, most just moved over into the other lane and one guy in a Bronco actually swerved to run over the woodchuck, which was promptly smeared all over the pavement.
^ That's super f-ed up. I did some funny stuff back in the day, but nothing like that. My grandmother had a large vegetable garden out back of the house and subsequently, dozens of woodchucks would move in and assault it on a daily basis. I got 19 woodchucks during the summer between high school graduation and leaving for boot camp. Anyway, one day a friend and I thought it'd be funny to tie fishing line around the neck of a dead woodchuck, hide in the bushes on the opposite side of the road and drag the animal across when a car would start coming, looking like the animal was running across. :lol:
This is way out in the boonies, mind you, so even though it was not the smartest or safest prank, I wasn't going to cause a 16 car pile up or anything. A couple cars slammed on their brakes, most just moved over into the other lane and one guy in a Bronco actually swerved to run over the woodchuck, which was promptly smeared all over the pavement.

I know I remember it being on the news a while back. That's an awesome story for the grand-kids haha:tup:


System Operator
Staff member
Nice mod.

How fast will it heat? :)