OT: Count To A Million Game!


System Operator
Staff member
4280 we already took care of it.
4281 Well that was short lived lol


System Operator
Staff member
4282 we're blown away by it. Very sad.


System Operator
Staff member
4284 we can not recommend flatout suspension for a few reasons now. To fishy for us.


STill Plays With Toys!
4287 [MENTION=1]IGOTASTi.COM[/MENTION] i'm going to try and take that picture tomorrow for u as long as it doesn't rain
4289 Lols my question for DD was overlooked xP
4291 tapatalk not user friendly lol, I just found out how to get to the inbox. Hahaha but let's see if I can find my way over.


System Operator
Staff member
4292 tell us about it, lol.


System Operator
Staff member
4394 have a safe flight brother. ✈


System Operator
Staff member
4396 do you have a direct flight?


New member
4399 only one who does direct is southwest and I'm not a big fan of the NG737's im old school and like my Douglas aircraft like the MD-88's and MD-90's. I do believe I'm on a MD-88 both trips here. So I'm pretty excited haha