OT: Count To A Million Game!


New member
4402 Thanks [MENTION=5193]War_Panda04[/MENTION]
[MENTION=1]IGOTASTi.COM[/MENTION] same here been with them for over 25 years now! Seen them go from the widget all the way to there current paint colors.


System Operator
Staff member
4404 we love their in air WiFi.


System Operator
Staff member
4406 how's the weather?


New member
4407 Went through some pretty heavy cloud cover. But nothing new. I'll try and bring some of the warm temps with me, but not sure if it's gonna fit in my carry on luggage


System Operator
Staff member
4408 cold and rainy in PA. :(


New member
4411 It literally took me longer to drive home from the airport than it did to fly from Florida through that God awful detour on brownstown rd around I279 and then the crap with the Fort Pitt Tunnel and let's not even mention how it gets around the Oakland interchange! In typical Yinzer fashion welcome home let me cut across three lanes because I need to take that exit but I wasn't paying attention because I was face booking and eating a Primantis Sandwich while driving.


New member
4414 [MENTION=4577]TK-421[/MENTION] well after all your in a galaxy far far away lol

4415 Stormtroopers can't aim so I've been thinking of switching professions from the blind can't see shit stormtrooper corps to being a Walker Pilot, now those guys are badasses



New member
4417 I posted all three major battles from the original trilogy up in the off topic video section and every time I watch the battle of Hoth, towards the end of it, where veers's Walker is advancing on the troops it's like shooting fish in a barrel