Well, the good news is that reducing the timing has brought knock right down - -1.4 at the most, so with a little more massaging, I should be able to remove it. With intake AVCS advanced earlier as well, it's spooling up like a mofo again - and interestingly did very little to change fueling. I'm a little surprised at the low tolerance for timing at the low end, but it's not really affecting driveability (in actual fact, it's quite nice not to have it hesitate occasionally).
On the down side, I can officially verify that 29psi (2bar) is not a good idea on my set up

With the weather having cooled down markedly in the past couple of days, the 'offset' on my EBCS (basically boost error correction) was set too high, and with target boost set at 1.9 (which is the ragged edge of what my TMIC can handle, even with meth) it climbed up to 2bar going full tilt in 4th gear. AFR resistance went down to 19... with current still being pulled. Yikes, 850* celsius plus. Pulled 3* of timing, not great, but not extreme (she's outlasted worse treatment). Doesn't feel like there's an issue, however - if I had fried the rings, I think I would know about it quite quickly. CEL flash to the rescue - pulled off throttle immediately. So useful...
I think I need to be reasonable at keep it at 1.8bar at the most.